Platinum Tooling offers a wide variety of speeders for all the popular machines. Enhance the RPM on all your spindles, from the largest machining center to the smallest Swiss-type CNC lathe. Gear ratios from 1:2 to 1:4 with 48,000 max RPM in various designs for live tools, plus mechanical and air speeders up to 80,000 RPM for machining centers.
Real-Time CT Scanning Speeds Up Inspection, Keeps Automobile Production Line Moving Fast (Watch Video) CT scanning has traditionally taken hours -- not ideal if you are trying to check individual components on a moving production line that feeds into assembly. Now, thanks to lower-resolution scanning -- plus data visualization and analysis coupled with deep learning (AI) -- accurate results can be delivered to quality-control engineers in less than a minute. Full Article
Here's How AI Can Make Manufacturers Safer and More Efficient (Watch Video) Real-time monitoring systems like Huvr's Advanced Reasoning and Understanding Algorithm (AURA) are enhancing efficiency, productivity, and safety in all types of workplaces, including utility companies, educational institutions, government buildings, and others. Several manufacturing facilities have recently turned to the AI system to discover what the change would mean to them. Huvr CEO Herman DeBoard writes how sophisticated contextual analysis can improve manufacturing operations. Full Article